Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

One Crowd - Many Paths: Click on Image to enter online exhibition - In June of last year, at the gallery our platform then hosted at Rämistrasse 33, Zurich, we launched a successful exhibition by Alejandro Gómez Cangas. Open just before the Art Basel 2022 fair, the 'Germinal' exhibition caught the attention of several critics, specialists, and art collectors. On display were pieces from several of the artist's series, all sharing a strong documentary intent, reimagined from a distinctive author's perspective. It is an established poetic, the result of diligent research work. Gómez…Read more …
Alejandro Gómez Cangas – GERMINAL

Alejandro Gómez Cangas – GERMINAL

Alejandro Gómez Cangas - Expectativa No. 5 Alejandro Gómez Cangas’ (*1986, Villa Clara) exhibition is based on a simple narrative structure to tell the life story of a character, and in turn a collective story is narrated in parallel. These two stories strongly complement each other, due to the symbolism that surrounds the act of planting a seed and taking care that it grows and develops successfully.  Exiting to new lands can overcome the risk of infertile terrains and plagues of extreme climate, but there will always be those who prefer to water that…Read more …
Results – Cuban Digital Art & Crypto Art Market

Results – Cuban Digital Art & Crypto Art Market

VR-Exhibit - Computer VR-Exhibit - Phone / Pad In its quest to contribute to the promotion and presence of Cuban art through its artists, ArteMorfosis - Cuban Art Platform, convened ‘PRISMA 3 - Cuban Digital Art and crypto Art Market’, with the purpose of encouraging the presence of Cuban artists in the art spaces of NFTs, a phenomenon that in recent years has been increasing in importance and creating a universe of new commercial possibilities. In response to this call for artists, a total of twenty-nine works by the same number of artists…Read more …