Rosemary Rodríguez Cruz (Havana, *1984)

Rosemary Rodríguez Cruz (Havana, *1984)

Rodríguez Cruz graduated from the University of Havana with a BA in Art History in 2007 and then continued to obtain a MA in the specialty of Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage and Museology at the University of the Arts from 2014 to 2016 . She has been working as a specialist in Museology at the Museum-Library Servando Cabrera Moreno, and as the sub-director of the Library. Since 2014 , she has worked as curator in the transdisciplinary project Fábrica de Arte Cubano (FAC ). She has taken several graduate and diploma courses on the specialty.…Read more …
ArteMorfosis Now Accepting bitcoins – btc –

ArteMorfosis Now Accepting bitcoins – btc –

ArteMorfosis is now accepting bitcoin With the bitcoin rising in value, it is increasingly interesting to purchase art with your bitcoins, cash in on the achieved gains and spread the investment risks on unrelated investment opportunities. From an investment point of view, Cuban art is interesting, since it is systematically undervalued. The art-prices any given artist can achieve depends mainly on his home-market, which drives the general value of artists. The Cubans adore their painters, but they mostly do not have incomes allowing for purchase or collecting of original paintings, rather they by…Read more …
Eduardo Roca “Choco” awarded the 2017 National Prize for Visual Arts

Eduardo Roca “Choco” awarded the 2017 National Prize for Visual Arts

The original of this text can be found on Eduardo Roco awarded the 2017 national prize for visual arts Cuban painter and engraver Eduardo Roca, alias Choco, was awarded the 2017 National Prize for Visual Arts on November 3, for his valuable contribution to the development of visual arts on the island Cuban painter and engraver Eduardo Roca, alias Choco, was awarded the 2017 National Prize for Visual Arts on November 3, for his valuable contribution to the development of visual arts on the island. The artist has a degree in Art History from the…Read more …


We are proud that Granma has reported extensively about our current exhibition. Read the articleRead more …

Real & Virtual Reality @ RÄMI ZEILE NOW

RÄMI ZEILE NOW 12 individuelle Shops öffnen ihre Türen exklusiv für Sie am Donnerstag, 16. November 2017 von 17.00 bis 21.00 Uhr.Wir freuen uns, Sie an der Rämi Zeile Now zu empfangen. ArteMorfosis zeigt: Preview der nächsten Ausstellung in Virtual Reality Osy Milian - Fragmente Neben der aktuellen Ausstellung - LEIDENSCHAFT UND ZURÜCKHALTUNG - kuratiert von Virginia Alberdi mit Werken von Adislen Reyes und Lancelot Alonso zeigen wir in Virtual Reality die Bilder der nächsten, der aktuellen und einige unserer vergangen Ausstellungen in Virtual Reality.Read more …