- By Virginia Alberdi Benítez - The strength of the images of the Cuban contemporary artists and the interest they awaken among collectors, critics and European viewers, as evidenced by the experience of the Artemorfosis Gallery, in Zurich, have a backup history that dates back to the beginnings of the establishment of the nation in the Antillean island, when Cuba was a territory belonging to the Spanish colonial empire. Cuba is called the key for the New World, because of its strategic position at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, and it…Read more …
Wifredo Lam – Today

Wifredo Lam – Today

- By Virginia Alberdi Benítez - As time passes, Wifredo Lam confirms his status as one of the most secure values of the Cuban Visual Arts in the global context and remains an essential reference of the vanguards of the Twentieth century. A prevailing trend among art historians, that classifies artistic results in schools and aesthetic trends, often includes Lam within the Surrealist movement. But a close look at his work, taking into account its evolution and the internal dynamics of the images captured in many different formats, will show an irreducible originality,…Read more …
Abstract and Different

Abstract and Different

By Virginia Alberdi Benítez; Translation by Luz María Rodríguez Cabral - With the presence of the paintings by Gilberto Frómeta in the ArteMorfosis gallery, in Zürich, this November, the art lovers of Switzerland and other countries that visit this singular space for the promotion of the contemporary Cuban art have the opportunity of having access, not only to the creations by one of the most active and consistent painters inside and outside Cuba, but also to the impact of Abstraction, one of the aesthetic tendencies from the artistic avant-garde of the XX Century…Read more …
Gilberto Frometa – Tropical Light

Gilberto Frometa – Tropical Light

Colorful Images of the Subconscious Identity On the Abstract Visual Language of Gilberto Frómeta DOLORES DENARO – Art Historian and Curator – Gilberto Frómeta (Havana, Cuba, 1946), the third artist presented by the ArteMorfosis Gallery in 2015, is also part of the first generation of post-revolutionary Cuban artists. He was initially known in the Caribbean island state, and later internationally, for his images of horses painted in black on a white background. However, the focus of the artist’s first Swiss exhibition Tropical Light is the abstract painting that has appeared in his work…Read more …
Gilberto Frómeta

Gilberto Frómeta

The Shades of a Temperament - RAFAEL ACOSTA DE ARRIBA – - Poet, Essayist and Art Critic – Gilberto Frómeta’s painting belongs to the imagination of quite a few generations of Cubans, including mine. I followed his work with interest and admiration since I was a young man interested in the visual arts; way back then I understood that his painting is an act of faith. Time went by and Frómeta became famous to critics and experts – I would say even more – one cannot write about visual arts in Cuba and…Read more …