Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

One Crowd - Many Paths: Click on Image to enter online exhibition - In June of last year, at the gallery our platform then hosted at Rämistrasse 33, Zurich, we launched a successful exhibition by Alejandro Gómez Cangas. Open just before the Art Basel 2022 fair, the 'Germinal' exhibition caught the attention of several critics, specialists, and art collectors. On display were pieces from several of the artist's series, all sharing a strong documentary intent, reimagined from a distinctive author's perspective. It is an established poetic, the result of diligent research work. Gómez…Read more …
Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

After seven remarkable years in Zürich, Artemorfosis is ready for the next exciting chapter in our journey. We're moving forward and taking our passion for Cuban art straight to its very heart – Havana. Our unwavering commitment to representing and helping Cuban artists find their audience remains our guiding principle, and we're enthusiastic about embracing the future with open arms. Alejandro Gómez Cangas - Border - Oil on Canvas, 2017 - 110 x 142 cm Our adventure in Zürich began in April 2015 with an exhibition of Flora Fong's work on Weinbergstrasse, culminating…Read more …
New Location – New Concept

New Location – New Concept

Save The Date: October 3rd, 6 pm 4 years at Rämistrasse ArteMorfosis is opening a new Location in October, 2019. After over four years at Rämistrasse 31 - where we have mainly shown solo- and curator- exhibitions - we are switching up gears and intensifying ArteMorfosis' presence online and in different digital distribution channels. With that, the requirements for our exhibition space has changed. From October onwards we will be welcoming you in our new show rooms where we have space to sit and discuss and view Cuban art in a personal setting…Read more …
ArteMorfosis Website Launch

ArteMorfosis Website Launch

The plan was different: First we'd launched a count-down site to inform about the upcoming gallery opening and the vernissage of Flora Fong's Exhibition 'Art: Elixir of Life' -> Check -> This milestone was achieved Second we'd launch the gallery website and inform about the artist and have all relevant infos online -> for many small reasons the launch ended up with a big delay Third we'd open the gallery and celebrate our first vernissage -> Check -> on April 16th we officially opened our doors to the public and enjoyed our new…Read more …