Nórido & Vila

Nórido & Vila

“The Secret Garden” is a photographic series created during the confinement forced on us by the Covid 19 pandemic. At that critical moment for humanity, this mental, personal, always mystical escape space emerged, in which references and visions of the authors. The series approaches the male nude from a visual perspective that refers to the prevailing graphic aesthetics in the last decades of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Starting from the painting of the French Gustave Moreau, it has a clear influence of the symbolist movement in the visual…Read more …
Victor Manuel Ibañez

Victor Manuel Ibañez

Studies: Self-taught. Main group exhibitions: 2019. CUBA: 'Inside & Out' Toth Gallery New York City, NY USA / 2019. En Olor de Multitudes. Cuban Art Factory (FAC). Havana, Cuba / 2016. Bryant Toth Fine Art. Cuban Art at The Art Garage. New Orleans, LA. USA / 2016. Two Steps Forward. Westport Arts Center. Westport, CT. USA / 2015. Cuban Art. Chelsea Hotel Store-front Gallery. New York. US Other activities: 2019. Site under Construction, active participant in the latest changes in the Moises Finalé exhibition, La Nave Gallery, collateral exhibition to the XIII Havana…Read more …
Yuniell Pérez (Moti)

Yuniell Pérez (Moti)

Studies: 2006. Image Design Course. Institute "La Salle". Havana / Course of cinematographic animator. Cuban Institute of Radio and Television. Havana / 2004. Graduated from the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts, in the specialty of Sculpture and Drawing. Havana / 1994 - 1999. Elementary School of Visual Arts José A. Díaz Peláez. Havana. Main solo exhibitions: 2002. From diet to vice (Itinerant). National Capitol and Mariano Rodríguez Gallery. Havana. Main group exhibitions: 2019. The pattern that connects. Collateral to the 13th Biennial of Havana. Cuban Art Factory (FAC). Havana / 2018. Cuba-Italy…Read more …
Gilberto Frómeta

Gilberto Frómeta

Gilberto Frómeta Fernández (Havana, Cuba, 1946), is part of the first generation of post-revolutionary Cuban artists. He was initially known in the Caribbean island state, and later internationally, for his images of horses painted in black on a white background. However, today the focus of the artist’s work is on abstract painting that has appeared in his work since 2001. The artist offers the following explanation of why and how he evolved from the initially monochromaticrealistic themes to the strongly colored abstraction: “I reached abstraction because I wanted to includecolor in my works.…Read more …
Li D Fong

Li D Fong

In 1989 he graduated from the Elementary School of Visual Arts in Havana. He continued his studies at the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts, where he graduated in 1996. In 2010 he obtained a residence from the International Tourism e.V. (IIT) Mecklenburg, in Kühlungsborn, Germany. Since 2002 he is a member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). The artist lives and works in Havana. He creates a personal and evocative art form. The set of his works presents a continuous process of transformation experienced by the man both…Read more …
Onay Rosquet

Onay Rosquet

Young people have an outstanding position in contemporary Cuban art; they are the vanguard in the different ways of expressing art and tend to participate in all sorts of trends. Onay Rosquet’s work – which initially focused on characters and later on objects carefully reproduced in his drawings and paintings – attracts attention in an extraordinary way. In his first series on objects they appeared lonely, abandoned, but loaded with nostalgia that revealed much about them. At present, the young painter, by portraying accumulations of objects, constructs stories by arranging the objects into…Read more …