PRISMA 6 – CORPUS – Poetry of the Human Figure

PRISMA 6 – CORPUS – Poetry of the Human Figure

  • Opening: Friday, November 17, 2023 - 19:00 to 21:00
  • November 18, 2023 - December 16, 2023
Celebrating Artistic Interpretations of the Human Figure ArteMorfosis proudly presents "Corpus," a showcase of the Jury Selection of exceptional works from our PRISMA 6 - CORPUS call for artists. This exhibition delves into artistic creativity and digital presentation. Theme: Exploring the human body as a muse, "Corpus" features a variety of artistic expressions, spanning traditional and digital mediums. Each piece offers a unique narrative, celebrating the diversity and richness of contemporary Cuban art. Objective: Focused on more than just creation, this exhibition emphasizes the importance of artists presenting their work…Read more …
Prisma 5 – Call For Artists

Prisma 5 – Call For Artists

  • May 5, 2022
Prisma 5 - The Team In times of relative democratization of technologies, it seems that creators depend less and less on others to carry out their work. There are those who believe that individualism is one of the marks of contemporary art. However, here and there proposals born from the effective collaboration of two or more artists come to light, and the result does not usually imply the limitation of capacities or the renunciation of certain poetics, but rather the happy confluence of dissimilar ways of assuming the fact aesthetic.…Read more …
PRISMA 4 – Curating in Virtual Space

PRISMA 4 – Curating in Virtual Space

  • January 10, 2022
Behind many exhibitions of visual arts is the figure of the curator, in charge of spinning themes and speeches, to function as an interpreter between the receiver and a certain aesthetic proposal. The Havana Biennial has been, throughout its history, an eminently curatorial event, focused on reflecting on the problems of the Third World through the art produced in these regions. Coinciding with the 14th edition of it, ArteMorfosis proposes to encourage curatorial practice as a creative exercise, generator of meanings and knowledge that provide new readings about Cuban art…Read more …
Results – Cuban Digital Art & Crypto Art Market

Results – Cuban Digital Art & Crypto Art Market

  • July 7, 2021
VR-Exhibit - Computer VR-Exhibit - Phone / Pad In its quest to contribute to the promotion and presence of Cuban art through its artists, ArteMorfosis - Cuban Art Platform, convened ‘PRISMA 3 - Cuban Digital Art and crypto Art Market’, with the purpose of encouraging the presence of Cuban artists in the art spaces of NFTs, a phenomenon that in recent years has been increasing in importance and creating a universe of new commercial possibilities. In response to this call for artists, a total of twenty-nine works by the same…Read more …
New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

  • December 31, 2020
ArteMorfosis has aksed Cuban artists to make a short video of their New Year Resolutions as artists. The selected videos have been published on our facebook page and a selection of entered works have been chosen for an exhibit in the Showroom in Zürich. The date will be announced when the Covid-Situation allow for the exhibit. Commentaries on PRISMA - New Year Resolutions by:- Virginia Alberdi- Yuris Nórido All pubished videos can be viewed on our facebook page, here is a short selection of the videos received: The Island…Read more …