Pedro Pablo Oliva – FACES OF AN ISLAND

Pedro Pablo Oliva – FACES OF AN ISLAND

  • August 22, 2016
Vernissage:   August 25, 2016, 6 p.m. Exhibition:     August 26 through September 17, 2016 Pedro Pablo Oliva (Pinar del Río, *1949) counts as one of the most remarkable living painters of the Cuban art scene. For his lifetime achievement he was awarded the Cuban National Prize for Visual Arts in 2006. Over 4 decades of an unbounded fantasy and relentless observations led to a lifetime oeuvre of technical excellence, visual fantasy, psychological acuteness and conceptional coherence. At the exhibition FACES OF AN ISLAND ArteMorfosis displays bronze sculptures and paintings from 2013…Read more …
Festival Caliente! Visiting ArteMorfosis

Festival Caliente! Visiting ArteMorfosis

  • June 16, 2016
José Fuster (*1946) has been labled "Gaudi of Havana" by The Guardian, NZZ-Feuilleton, TripAdvisor and others. He is known in Cuba for his initiative to convert his neighborhood in Jaimanitas, a suburb of Havana, into a ceramic dream world. Much hast been written about Fuster online at sites like and or in tourist guides to Cuba. ArteMorfosis and Festival Caliente! are presenting Fuster in Zürich in the Week of the 'Züri Fäscht'. He will be painting live on the Caliente! stage during performances of the music groups and ArteMorfosis…Read more …
ArteMorfosis Celebrating first Anniversary

ArteMorfosis Celebrating first Anniversary

  • April 16, 2016
On April 16, 2015 ArteMorfosis opened its doors to the public for the first time at Weinbergstrasse 15 with Flora Fong's solo exhibition 'ART: ELIXIR OF LIFE'. In August Ernesto García Peña's solo exhibition 'ISLAND LYRICS' was the second and last exhibition to take place at that venue. By good chance we discovered a vacant store predestined to become our next gallery close to the Kunsthaus of Zürich, where several galleries are located - hence Gilberto Frometa's solo exhibition 'TROPICAL LIGHT' was opened at our new location at Rämistrasse 31.…Read more …


  • April 2, 2016
Flora Fong, Ernesto García Peña and Gilberto Frómeta Duration: April 2 through April 30 - Wednesday to Saturday from 11a.m. to 5p.m. The gallery ArteMorfosis celebrated it’s opening year in 2015 with solo exhibitions of these artists because they embody the taste of the Cuban Society. Their work forms part of the collection of contemporary cuban art of the ‘Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana’, and is displayed in all art fairs in Cuba and – most importantly – their work hangs on the walls of many Cuban homes; hardly a…Read more …
CUBAN ART MADE IN ZURICH – March 4 through March 23

CUBAN ART MADE IN ZURICH – March 4 through March 23

  • February 4, 2016
ArteMorfosis sets the theme 'CUBAN ART MADE IN ZURICH' for it's first independent exhibition Vernissage:  March 3, 2016, 6 p.m. Musical Evening; March 10, 2016, 6 p.m. Finissage:    March 23, 2016, 6 p.m. Alex Morales Puig, Alexey Cubas, Carlos Piloto Canovas are Cuban artists who live and paint in Zürich. They are representatives of a large number of cuban trained artists living abroad and amongst which world wide known artists have emerged. ArteMorfosis is setting the theme for its first independently organized exhibition on 'CUBAN ART MADE IN ZURICH' thus…Read more …