Ricardo Fabián Fernández Díaz

Ricardo Fabián Fernández Díaz

Actualmente cursa estudios en la Academia de Bellas Artes "San Alejandro". Es instructor de arte del proyecto cultural "Cintio Vitier" perteneciente a la UNEAC.Leer más …
Antonio López Vega

Antonio López Vega

Self-taught training since 2013 and first-year student at the University of the Arts of Cuba, ES UN, profile Restoration and Conservation of art.2020. Exposición ¨Tra_vecía¨, Galería de Arte Martha Machado, Isla de la Juventud. Cuba. Exposición ¨A_propia_ción¨, Galería de Arte Marta Machado, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba.2018 Exposición ¨Varados¨, en su vercion dos, Hotel Inglaterra. La Habana Cuba. Exposición ¨Naufragio¨, Galería de Arte Marta Machado, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. Exposición ¨Primera Impresión¨¨, Galería de Arte Marta Machado, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba.Leer más …
Daniel D.Madruga

Daniel D.Madruga

2017 - (...) professor at the Higher Institute of Visual Arts, ES UN. la Habana, Cuba.Studies: 2017 Graduated from the Bachelor of Visual Arts career at the Higher Institute of Art. (ES UN) la Habana. Cuba / 2011. Graduated from the Provincial Academy of Fine Arts Vicentina de la Torre. Camagüey, Cuba.Solo exhibitions: 2019. Perverse Relationships. Gallery Casa 8. la Habana, Cuba / 2016. Stories of Love (Exposición para dos personas, with Yoxi Velázquez). Génesis CASA26 Gallery. la Habana, Cuba / 2015. Before the horizon. Colateral 12 Bienal de la Habana (Exposición para dos personas, with Yoxi Velázquez). Hotel Beltrán de SantaLeer más …
Leandro Mompié

Leandro Mompié

Graduado de la Academia de Bellas Artes de San Alejandro y estudiante de cuarto año de la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba, ES UN, perfil Diseño Escénico.2020. Exposición ¨Monumento a la Forma¨ en su versión dos, Galería de Arte Martha Machado, Isla de la Juventud. Cuba. Exposición ¨Monumento a la Forma¨, Galería de Arte Teodoro Ramos. La Habana Cuba. Exposición ¨Las realidades ocultas del pensamiento¨, Galería de Arte Marta Machado, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. Exposición ¨Poesía Traumática¨, Habitación 9 Facultad de Artes Plásticas de la (ES UN) Instituto Superior de Arte. La Habana Cuba.Leer más …
Adrian Gómez Sancho

Adrian Gómez Sancho

He has made more than a dozen personal exhibitions and more than seventy collective ones. His work has received important prizes and recognitions, among them the first prize of the Provincial Hall of Painting and Sculpture of the city of Matanzas, entre otros. He has given plastic arts workshops and drawing courses to children and young people. He has participated as a jury of important municipal and provincial halls. His works are found in collections in different countries such as the United States of America, Alemania, Italia, Portugal, Canada and Cuba.Leer más …
Erich González Triana

Erich González Triana

Erich González Triana is a Cuban visual artist, born in December 1978 in the city of Matanzas, Cuba. autodidacta, he has been linked to art at all times. Alrededor 2019 he gets involved full time creating his own work. Always inspired by the need to show art that leads to reflection and visual discourse as its main objective. He has achieved several achievements that have validated his short career, resulting in different awards, including 3rd place in the sculpture modality at the IV Biennial of Contemporary Art in Salerno, Italia; the Official CertificateLeer más …