Estamos emocionados e inmensamente orgullosos de anunciar que Flora Fong, un distinguido artista cubano, ha sido honrado con el prestigioso Premio Nacional de Artes Visuales 2022. Este galardón no es sólo un testimonio de su extraordinario talento sino también de su compromiso duradero con las artes..

Flora ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de ArteMorfosis. Ella fue el espíritu pionero detrás de nuestra gran inauguración en Suiza., dando un paso adelante valientemente como el primer artista cubano en honrar nuestra galería. En un momento en el que el éxito de nuestra empresa era incierto, Flora took a leap of faith and opened the doors for the myriad of talented artists we have since had the privilege to showcase in Zürich.

Her recent recognition on a national level is a momentous occasion that we celebrate wholeheartedly. Flora’s award is not just a win for her but also a win for the Cuban art community and for all of us who believe in the transformative power of art.

Congratulations, Flora Fong, for this well-deserved honor. Your courage and artistry continue to inspire us, and we look forward to many more years of collaboration and success.

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Flora Fong, National Award for Visual Arts 2022

Flora Fong, National Award for Visual Arts 2022

I was in my workshop varnishing a painting when I found out.

Foto: Taken from the Facebook page of the National Council of Visual Arts.

The news that she had been recognized yesterday with the National Award for Visual Arts 2022 reached the distinguished artist Flora Fong while she was working. “I was in my workshop varnishing a painting when I found out,” she told Granma, referring to her deep love for nature, which she honors in her works.

I was missing this award. I had been nominated several times and honored many times in other spaces, but this one has special significance for me because it is the National Award,” she commented.

The president of the jury, Alberto Lescay, who won the award last year, highlighted the bridges built by the artist towards Asian traditions, where her origins lie, and her integration with Cuban culture, as well as the solidity and projection of her pictorial work, which is linked to the essence of Cuban culture, reported Prensa Latina. Fong’s work in education, as a mentor to several generations of artists, was also highlighted.

In the pages of this newspaper, some years ago Flora Fong, speaking about creative women, considered: “And the day a monument has to be made for her, and for the Cuban woman in particular, I don’t know what size or how it will be. Because there is one thing that is certain: the Revolution has had, and still has, a stronghold and bastion in her. This has been the case throughout all of Cuban history and its traditions. Sometimes it is forgotten. Maybe I’m not the right person to say it, but I am a woman, un artista, and here I am.