Barnizado: enero 12, 2017 – 6 p.m.

“I am restless by nature. Siempre he respondido con prontitud a la necesidad apremiante de crear porque surgen nuevas posibilidades dentro de mí que debo expresar constantemente; to fill in the blank spaces of the canvas with these ‘worlds’ or living spaces I create. Mi trabajo, eminentemente introspectivo, urges me to search inside and constantly create relations and affinities in that universe of new stories.”

Li Dominguez Fong was born in Havana, Cuba en 1978, where he still lives and works. En 1989 se graduó de la Escuela Primaria de Artes Visuales de La Habana, and then continued his studies at the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts until 1996. En 2010 he obtained an artist’s residence in Germany.

He has had solo shows and has participated in several group exhibitions in Europe, Asia and the American continent. His works are part of various collections in Spain, México, Malasia, Oman, Francia, Portugal, Canadá, Argentina, Panamá, Alemania, China, and Cuba.

About his form of creation, Cuban art critic Virginia Alberdi wrote some years ago: “The relation between the individual and the elements surrounding him is not restricted to a mere presentation, but questions that apparent reality located on the edge of fantasy.”

  • noviembre 14, 2016