Yuniell Pérez (Moti)
la chica perla / La muchacha de la perla
Declaración de arte
Giving color to feelings is a series that emerged in 2019 that tries to discuss moods and their possible pictorial translation. The consideration of color as a qualia, the way in which we subjectively capture color, is the essence of my work. I superimpose two or three layers of mesh to the canvas and in each one there are colors that hide the black and white of the initial fabric. This compositional synergy encourages the viewer to break with traditional visuals, to get closer and try to discover what is in front of and behind each pictorial plane, to look beyond what is seen with the naked eye, to reveal the background of the canvas, the layers that watch over and modify it.
I constantly use psychological color as a resource to capture the emotional reflection of the person represented. Leaving aside the clichés related to the association of colors with certain feelings and moods, I am also fascinated, through color, to provoke visual sensoriality in the receiver.