Donis Llago


Pintura - 2019
Óleo sobre lienzo
200 x 140 cm
5,500 CHF
Declaración de arte

Questioning the limits of the pre-established, manipulating notions of public space, the game with icons and stereotypes that make up contemporary visuals, are some of the paths through which the work of the artist Donis D. Llago travels. Donis' poetics, from its beginnings encourages to look differently, its behavior in the plastic creation becomes a palpable intervention in the way in which we see and think around us. He establishes a playful game with the distortion of certain landmarks of urban planning and architecture, judging precisely that superficial, tourist, advertising discourse that turns them into identity stereotypes and that distorts the true essence and spirituality of these social and cultural emblems. The limits of the real and imaginary continue to be one of his frequent explorations. With Luces de Neón, Donis relies on the visual resources provided by technological media, and based on photography, he recreates a universe of light and color that falls into discrepancy with his existing reference in the urban context.